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Advanced Poker Tips

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  4. Advanced Poker Tips

Advanced Poker Tips

Advanced Poker Tips December 9, 2018 December 9, 2018 admin 0 Comments Whenever you are dealing with poker – there are things that you need to think about, one is going to be your actions. Advanced Poker Tips and Strategy. Using advanced strategy at a full table is an investment of your chips to turn family pots into 3-way and heads-up play with the possibility of not having to show down. The starting hand combinations do not change, however the way that the cards are viewed and played at the table does, as well as the betting.


Whenever you are dealing with poker – there are things that you need to think about, one is going to be your actions. Think back – some of the things that we have talked about in this particular blog all have to do with watching other people’s actions and being very aware of what your players are doing – do you not think that they are doing the exact same thing?

To be perfectly honest, every action that you make is probably being critiqued by many, many different people. They are constantly going to be wondering why you raised, why you called, why you folded – remember that whenever you are playing poker, you are constantly being judged.


While you are constantly being judged, remember – you are going to be doing the judging as well, so make sure that you keep that in the back of your mind.

Avoid Tells

Now that we have explored a little bit about poker … let’s talk about how you can really read your opponents and how you can truly get inside their head. To me, this is the skill that all poker players need to have. After all, the entire game is based off of how much you know about your opponents and how you can truly get them to give up their hand without giving up their hand.

The thing you need to do? Well, you need to pay attention. That is the first skill that you need to learn. Paying attention to every single detail regarding the people that you are playing with is truly going to become a fantastic skill. A simple smile, a crimp of the brows or even a sigh can be very, very telling, you just have to be able to read it!

Poker is all about reading people and when you really want to make sure that you know how to do it before you enter into a game!

Check Your Nerves

Poker, let’s be completely honest is a stressful game that many, many newbies get nervous about – especially on their first game. However, there is no real reason to get nervous exactly. Although, if you feel your nerves getting the best of you, make sure that you keep these tips and tricks in mind because they totally helped me when I was first starting out!

Firstly, do not compare yourself to any other players. They might have the skills, but you could have some natural talent – however, practice does make perfect and if you are playing with professionals, you might feel even more nervous, but don’t worry about it.

Next, relax – that is going to be the biggest thing that you will need to work on – after all, you want to make sure that you calm down enough to pay attention to the game.

Learn the Lingo

Poker has a language all its own. It is not precisely its own culture, it is just a game, but even still, it does indeed have its own language. Understanding that language is important when it comes to being successful in the game.

Know that the blinds take the place of antes in more traditional games and variations of poker. There is a small blind and a big one, and both are forced bets which must be put down before you see the cards.

The board cards go by many names, such as community cards. You see these in games like Texas Hold Em. Every player shares them.

Know that the draw comes when you want to improve your hand. The pre flop is the name for the turn during which you are dealt your hand.

Flop, turn, river in games like Texas Hold Em, it is vital that you understand these terms.

Know Your Opponents

Every person is an individual, right? And every poker player is different as well but still, they tend to fall into certain categories. Recognizing these categories and knowing the characteristics which create them can help you in your game, because you can anticipate what your opponents will do.

Take loose players, for instance. Some are merely loose, some are aggressive. In either case, these types of players tend to play fast and loose. It does not matter if they have terrible cars, they will so go hard. They will not fold for anything, they can be distracting, and the aggressive ones are supremely cocky.

Tight players are just that. The tight player will fold almost every hand, because he is usually waiting to get pocket rockets. Bluffing can lure them in quite easily. Intimidation makes them fold.

Aggressive tight players are very cocky as well. They wait for good hands and fold when they do not have them. Be careful with these players.

Have Fun

Advanced Blackjack Tips

Playing poker is something that should be fun to be honest, a lot of people do not have fun with poker, they take it too seriously. In this blog, we are going to make sure that we teach you how to have fun with the game of poker. One of the first things that you need to do is not take it so seriously.

When you just stop taking the game so seriously, I can promise that you will not only feel better about the game itself but you truly will have fun. Just gather up your friends, sit them down and deal out the cards and I can assure you that you will have so much fun.

Also, using stupid things like candy or something to bet with is a fantastic idea to take the money factor out of the game of poker.

Educate Yourself

Playing poker is difficult – face it, if you are just breaking into the game, not only do you have to deal with being the newbie, but you also have to deal with not knowing as much as the other players at your table. Well, there are ways that you can educate yourself and that is what we are going to talk about in this particular blog.

Advanced Online Poker Tips

One of the most common ways to educate yourself on the game of poker is by reading – not just books but reading online forums as well as blogs just so that you can soak up as much knowledge as possible. After all, mistakes in poker can be very, very costly and you want to make very few of them.

Next, make sure that you converse with a few of the veterans in poker. I can promise that they know exactly what they are taking about when they talk poker.

Keep on Budget

Face it, if you play poker, you are definitely going to have to drop a lot of money, very quickly. Poker is not a game that you get into unless you plan on spending a lot of money, however there are a ton of ways that you can actually stick to a budget if you want to draw one up for yourself.

Firstly, just bring a small amount of money to the table with you. That way, you will always be able to stay right within your budget and make sure that you do not overspend. Overspending in poker can be very, very easy and – well, if you are on a budget, you do not want to do that.

Just follow these tips and tricks and you will see that you will be able to play poker and keep within your budget.

Poker Tips and Strategies for Advanced Players

It happens to all of us. Plays that worked yesterday do not work today, bluffs are being picked off, and the strategy guides that you read last year are proving to be irrelevant today. So, what happened? Did variance finally catch up with you, or are you playing bad, or what? Well, in a similar fashion to athletes, there are times when poker players reach a point in their game where they simply cannot advance anymore. They hit a plateau and it seems like all the effort in the world does absolutely no good. In fact, many times it does more harm then good.

Most times this will happen to athletes simply because they are repeating the same training exercises or drills on an everyday basis. To get over this roadblock they have to find ways to mix up their training so that it shocks the body thus getting the body out of feeling comfortable with the same old exercises and back to producing results once again.
It really is the same idea with poker players especially if they grind it out every day at the same tables with the same players. Using the same old strategies is bound to catch up to you and to get over that plateau, it is important to shock your opponents in the same fashion that an athlete shocks their bodies with new and improved training and drills.
And how do you do this? Well, by learning advanced poker strategies of course. And to get you all off to a great head start, we have compiled a list of strategies for you to employ at your next game.

Bet, Raise or Fold

This may seem very simple, and frankly, it probably is. But many players still happen to “call” bets instead of raising or folding. This works against you in many ways.

1. You have no idea of how good your hand is when you call an opponent’s bet. If you feel your hand is no good, you fold. However, if you feel as if you have a strong hand you need to raise. Your opponent will fold himself, call, or raise. Information can be gathered based on their decisions. For example, if he folds to a re-raise then he was bluffing or had maybe ace rags. If he calls, there is a good chance that he is on a draw and was semi-bluffing or maybe has a pocket pair or 2nd pair. And if he raises then you know his hand is strong.

2. By calling a pot instead of raising or folding, you are allowing the pot to slowly build up with very little investment needed by others to call. Or in other words, the pot odds are getting much better which justifies many mediocre hands to call. This of course is bad because the more players in the pot, the more hand possibilities that can potentially beat you.

3. Although not always a guarantee, many times a raise will cause everyone to fold which will earn you a pot with little risk and effort on your part.

The only time “calling” is really worthwhile is when you are on a draw yourself. That way there is little investment with the potential of a huge return when hitting a big hand.

Check Raising

Ok, check raising is not a new concept but many players are only 1 dimensional when check raising a hand. In fact, many players check raise with only good hands on the flop so needless to say, they become quite easy to read. Something to think about is to considering checking the flop and then check raising the turn. Depending on your opponent’s aggression, checking the flop, turn, and then check raising the river to seem as if you are making a steal can be a feasible strategy. It should also be noted that this pulling moves off like this would of course depend on your opponent, as we do not want to miss getting value for our hands. Also, analyze the board carefully, as we do not want to give away free cards that could beat us.

Advanced No Limit Poker Tips

Check raising can also be used in situations where you are out of position and the board is rather dry where it is highly unlikely your opponent connected with it. You would check the flop assuming that your opponent will bet at it, and as soon as he does you check raise him to take down the pot. If used sparingly, this can pick up a number of easy pots. But be sure to keep in mind that if played back at, it is a good idea to let the hand go so not to waste more money on a lost cause.

The Float Play

The Float Play is where a player misses the flop but calls a bet anyway with the intention of running a bluff on the river should their opponent not bet the turn. This can be a great play especially if you mix it up with check raises on the river with solid hands.

Advanced Poker Tips

However, it is important to try this play when the conditions are correct.

1. You will need to be in position, as it is important to see what your opponent will do. If your opponent bets the flop, and then the turn, there is probably no way to run this play successfully.

2. The flop texture is very important as well. The board needs to be uncoordinated with cards that do not fit your opponent’s hand range. Running a bluff on a board where there are several hand possibilities can prove to be bad for your stack.

3. Your stack size needs to be large enough to apply pressure to your opponent. You will not want to look “committed” in any way. That way your opponent really has to choose whether or not their hand is worth all those chips.

Advanced Strategies in Play

While this is not a complete list of advanced strategies, the few that we listed above should add a little bit of creativeness to your strategy portfolio. It is important to try to learn new poker strategies whenever possible to try to mix up your game and to maintain an edge over your opponents. This will often times result in keeping your opponents confused on what you have, which will then result in earning more chips.